want to know more?
hmmm... describing myself has always been quite hard for me... others have said something along the lines of "intimdiating and quiet but nice once you get to talk to her" & that rings true i suppose, at least in real life. i think i am more approachable online even if i tend to keep to myself. i am often in my own world but i am friendly & am just here to have a good time! chronic daydreamer and terminal airhead.
hobby wise, i'm an average gal; i like to draw, game, read vns, watch anime, listen to music, collect shit & dress up, among some others. in specifics i collect anime figures & dolls as well as perfume & gaming consoles, and i could probably count my closet a collection as well considering how much shit i have in it. i am a fashion connoisseur! when i'm free, i often spend most of my day on some form of electronic device either in my bed or at my desk, or out & about doing only god knows what. i'm not sure what else to include here for now... so continue scrolling!
my name is
i am...
android, angel, autistic, beautiful, boy lover, boy-kisser, brunette, cat lover, creature, cute, diva, drama queen, dudette, esoteric, everything, fabulous, fangirl, female, femme-liking, fetishist, friend, fujoshi, furry, girlfag, glittery, introvert, kitty, little sister, miss, pervert, princess, she-bitch, sparkly, virgin, weird, wife
who are you?
feel free to add me on psn (pukepill) i play on ps4, ps3 & vita
3ds friendcode: 4184-9104-8267
...my 3ds is japan region-locked, so you might not be able to add me